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Elenco del Glossario per lettera "n"

NARUC (National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners) NAV (Net Asset Value) NAV (Net asset value) NCF (Network Computing Framework) NFS (Network File System) NOx NSDL (National Standard Detail Library) NSM (Network Station Manager) NT (Network Terminator) NTF (National Transfer Format) NTFS (New Technology File System) NTP (Network Time Protocol) NTSC (National Television System Committee) NVRAM (Non-Volatile Random Access Memory) Nadir Nakba Narrowcast Narrowcaster Nasdaq Nastro di negozi Native class Naturalizzata (specie) Navigare (Internet) Navigare (Internet) Navigazione (Browsing) Nazionalismo Near video on demand Necrofilia Negativo (cinema) Negawatt (NW) Negoziato Neofunzionalismo Neologismo Neorealismo politico Neotenia Net present value Netiquette Netiquette Netiquette Netiquette Network Network Network Network computer Neurofisiologia Neuromarketing (versione debole) Neuromarketing (versione forte) Neurone Neville Goddard New Deal New Journalism Newbie News Making Newsgroup Newsgroup Newsgroup Newsgroup Newsgroup Newsgroup Newsgroup Newsgroup Newsgroup Newsgroup Newsletter Newsletter Newsletter Niddah Nidificante Niqab Nisan Nissu’in No frills No show Noachidi, leggi Nodo Nodo (informatica) Nodo (ipertesto) Nome a dominio Nomenclatura Non conformità Non profit Non quantificabile Non-Disclosure Agreement Non-luogo Non-preemptive scheduling (Operating System) Norditropin Simplexx Norma Nota integrativa Nota integrativa Notebook Novella cinematografica Numero di Avogadro Numero di Weber Numero fuzzy Nuova macroeconomia classica Nuovo Pensiero Nuovo entrante (aviazione) nVoD (near Video on Demand)