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Muslim Brotherhood: the "Islamic Solution"

Muslim Brothers attacked the West, but they didn’t reject all. They promoted a selective criticism to Western ideology (Al-Banna often referred to Western thinkers). There was a European influence indeed.

Nationalism and national unity: Al-Banna tried to avoid disruptive confrontation among different Islamic traditions in order to create a form of cohesion.

Social justice.

They referred not just to the man, but to the Muslim ➔ ideological training (theoretical and practical). Practical training was aimed at moving the Islamic personality of the members.

By defining a wide range of duties, the society has de facto created a ranking based on merit and not on tradition or patronage. The other parties (Communist, Wafd) used to have an aristocratic structure, and it was the main difference.

Tratto da COURSE NOTES OF "ISLAMIC CULTURE" di Luca Porcella
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