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English Linguistics and Translation


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AIM: describing the current status of the English language and its role in society

Sociolinguistics: language as a tool of power, language and identity, varieties and prestige, education policies
History: history, colonies, contact, conquest, domination
Society: identity, discrimination, reorganization

Our words:
Sociolinguistics: society, language
History: colonies, contact
Social role of language

Translation starts with reading → recognition of text type because it affects the way language is used. We have to focus on the content.
Reflect upon the text
Translation employs rephrasing a phrase, a message

Malone’s strategies:
• Equation/substitution
• Divergence/convergence
• Amplification/reduction
• Diffusion/condensation
• Reordering/

By referring to these strategies, translators can justify adjustments of form depending on the semantic stylistic and communicative requirements of the TT.

Reduction: consist of omitting an element in the TT text because it is regarded as redundant, or even misleading.
E.g: carta geografica/maps. Globo terreste/globe. Esporre in modo visibile/display.

Diffusion and condensation vs explanation
Unlike amplification and condensation, diffusion and condensation deal with widening and reducing ST expressions.

La ragazza avrebbe rubato altre 6 macchine.
The girl is said/alleged/reported to have stolen six cars.

English is usually thought to be more succinct than Italian.

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