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General Principles of Islamic Law

Clear distinction between:
- Rights of God (Huquq Allah);
- Rights of Man (Huquq al-Insan: what men can or cannot do).

HUDUD: “boundaries” of the “surest path”: what men can do without committing a sin.

SHARI’A: “surest path”.

DAR AL-ISLAM (“House of Islam”): geographical territory where the Islamic law is enforced.

DAR AL-HARB: geographical areas where Islamic law is not in force.

JIHAD (“the effort”): it is not “holy war” in its proper meaning. It is divided in two categories:
the major effort: effort that each Muslim has to do in order to become a real Muslim and to reach the supreme Good (and follow the shari’a).
the minor effort: has been interpreted as defensive war to protect Islamic areas from the attack of the enemies.

Tratto da COURSE NOTES OF "ISLAMIC CULTURE" di Luca Porcella
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