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Contributions upon Determination of the Flow-Parameters on the Principal Bronchial Stems in Man

Vincentiu Ionescu

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Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vincentiu-Lucian Ionescu

Nationality, citizenship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Romanian, German

Date and place of birth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 23, 1943 – Bucharest

Marital status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Married with Wanda Ionescu, in 1977

Occupation of spouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dipl. - Chemist (Univ. of Bucharest)

Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Two: Dan *1977 and Julia *1986

Father Constantin G. Ionescu, †1989 in Bucharest

Mother . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elena Ionescu (E.I.), *1916 in Bucharest
(E.I. is living from August, 1989 in Darmstadt, Germany)

Present address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Westring 24, D-64331 Weiterstadt, Germany
Education . . . . . 1964-1968: Spiru Haret Gymnasium, Bucharest,
1968-1973: Graduated Electronic- Engineer, Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest
1974: International Summer School of Biophysics, Bucharest,
1981-1982: Hubert Schläger German Superior School, Frankfurt am Main,
1983 Europäisches Institut für Unternehmungsführung, Frankfurt am Main,
1984-1985: Assembler Programming on Micro-Processors, Turbo-Pascal for
µ-Controller, Research Institute on Electronics, Karlsruhe, Germany,
1996-1997: AEG Signum, Frankfurt am Main, Automation Technique for
Experts with a Final–Project in the Daimler-Benz Research Institute in
Frankfurt am Main, Germany,
2000-2007: Candidate for a doctor’s degree, University «Politehnica» Bucharest,
Scientific supervisor – Prof. Dr. Eng. Rodica Strungaru, U.P. Bucharest

Membership in learned societies

1975-1981 Associate Member of the International Federation for Medical and Biological
Engineering, IFMBE, Utrecht, Ottawa

April 2002 e-Heart, Erasmus MC - University Medical Centre, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

1982-2007 Permanent Member, Member-No.: 3041220 of the German Federation for Bio-
Medical Engineering, DGBMT, Berlin; at present VDE- Frankfurt am Main

1998-2007 Special Group Medical Informatics, Prof. Dr.-Eng. H. Dickhaus, D-74081, University of Heilbronn, Germany

Research and Developments

Principal Investigator of parts of the following research projects:

1971-1973: Polytechnic Institute Bucharest, Department of Electronic Technology and Reliability, Chief of Chair – Prof. Dr. Eng. Vasile Cătuneanu, Research-Theme: “External Device for Measuring
Appropriate Pacing Threshold for Myocardium in man”,

1974-1975: Faculty of Biology – Bucharest, Dept. Of Animal Physiology and Biophysics, Chief of Chair: Prof. Dr. Grigore Strungaru, Research-Theme “Cardiac Pacer for Animal Resuscitation”,

1975-1979: Contract No. 25 with Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, Bucharest with the Theme: “Piezoelectric Properties of Collagen Macromolecules versus IR, UV, and Gamma Radiations”, as well as Development of a Bio-Potential Selective Preamplifier”. It was qualified as an US Patent of Invention No. 4,240,443 / December 23, 1980. As Titular of the above Patent of Invention was designated the Institute for Biological Sciences - Bucharest, whereby the Undersigned, as Research-Engineer on Electronics, until 20th April 1981, employed was.

1977-1979: External co-lab orator of Faculty for Electronics and Telecommunications, Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest and its Computer-Centre with Theme: “Extractor Device of embedded ECG and Respiration Signals through processing of trans-thoracic impedance in man”. Head-Supervisor of Diploma-Projects for some absolvent of the Electronic Faculty – Bucharest

1979-1980: Contract No.: 3,526 granted by Romanian National Council of Science and Technology (CNST) with the Theme: “The Piezoelectric Effect of certain flexural collagen films excited with mechanical oscillating frequencies of up to 20 kHz”. Mechanic Electrical Transformer under low temperature variations.

01.07.1981: Reuniting of families into Federal Republic of Germany

1983-1984: Research-Contract with ABC Pump Company / Köln over IPTA GmbH (Private Institute for Physical Contract Researching) in Darmstadt on development of a SW-program in Basic (Hewlett-Packard 85) on optimization of heat-distribution in upper wheel bearing in the big electro motors of a complex irrigation pump-system.

1985-1988: SW-Program for an Ultrasonic Device (Honeywell) on precision measurements of air-distances within ± 0, 5 mm in a µProcessor compensated temperature range between (20-100) °C for Robotics. The Order giver was the Research Laboratories ROBOT Tactile Gripper GmbH in Darmstadt, Germany.

31.05.1989: Research & Development of an 80C535 µController Based Temperature and Humidity Measurement System upon the Firm “Steinecker Electronic GmbH” in Mühlheim am Main, Germany.

1989-1992: Development of a SW-Program in Borland Turbo-Pascal 6.0 for continuous acquisition of max. 10,000 temperature data with VGA graphical presentation and CAD elements and computing of minimum and maximum of those measured data by VLI Electronic Consulting Laboratory, Westring 24, D-64331 Weiterstadt, Germany.

31.05.1995: As System- and Project Engineer with the Firm HCS Control-Technique GmbH in D-64390 Erzhausen - Germany, I have developed a system for supervising of temperature, humidity and CO2 emissions in big industrial halls in a Master-Slaves (until 32 slave units) communication processing technology of the Firm SAIA GmbH in Murten/Switzerland.

1997-1999: Research and Development of a Computer Assisted LZB (Linien Zug Beeinflussung) System in MS Visual C/C++ 4.0 for Remote Supervising and Controlling of Railroad Traffic of the Frankfurt am Main Territory, Internal Proceedings of the “Daimler-Benz Research Institute” - Frankfurt am Main

2000-2001: As SW-Development and Project Engineer in the Firm GESOTEC GmbH / Darmstadt, managed I in MS Visual C/C++ 6.0 a Databank-Program, which over an internal network, sends the camera collected temperature-points of an infra-red spatial field to a Supervising Centre-Station for their further processing.

2000-2006: Doctoral Research Project: Expert System based computation of air- and blood flow-parameters on the main bronchial and aortic ramifications in man by VLI Electronic Consulting Lab. in D-64331 Weiterstadt, Germany. See please also my earlier publications dated 2003 and 2005 and the original novelty contributions of author on the above doctoral research project as below enumerated, conform to the 5th Capitol of my dissertation “Contributions upon Determination of the Flow Parameters on Bronchial Tree”:

5. Original novelty contributions of author on the present thesis

5.1. VLI – coefficient formula:
It is a global member variable of type double which was used in that
Formula for calculation of the Reynolds number for the right main stem
Bronchus, as the following case reveals:

5.1.1. m_reynolds.Format ("%12.6f", 1000 * VLI * atof (m_wges)*
atof(m_kdm) / atof(m_edit_3));

5.1.2. m_tracheaRe5.Format("%10.9f", (Cc1) * atof (m_reynolds));

5.1.3. m_tracheaRe16.Format("%10.9f", (Cc2)*atof (m_reynolds));

in which,

VLI = cos (pi/180 * atof (m_dSpin1)) // see please § 4.2, Formula 4.2.1, page 120
// of the original Thesis. Thank you!

5.2 For calculation of the Reynolds number, Re (CString m_reynolds), in
the 5th and 16th ramification on the right main bronchial stem. From
physical reasons only, I have introduced, for later computations, two
new proportionality factors Pr5 and Pr16, as follows:

5.2-a) Pr5 = 0.2 after 5 branching on right stem bronchus downward oriented to
the right lung or, said more exactly, Pr5 = Re5 / Re = 0.201484773 on a corresponding
bronchus angle αRB(5) =21.470° [degrees], so that Reynolds confessed number X-Re=
100.001926041 exacter to correspond to the default Reynolds number in (Oertel Jr.
2002, [60]) or in the Table, page 97.

5.2-b) Pr16 = 0.02 (after 16 branching) Pr16 = Re16/Re=0.020406320 for an
optimal corresponding angle αRB(16)=23.232° [degrees], so that
Reynolds confessed number X-Re= 10.000894316 exacter to
correspond to the default Reynolds number in (Oertel Jr. 2002, [60]) or in
the Table, page 97.

5.3 Implementation of a special sensing member function FORM (CString x)
as that to overcome the problems around correct setting of the Decimal
Point (DP), see listing 5.3.1, Lines 1 – 15, below. See §, page 90,
listing and the Figure, page 91 too.

Listing 5.3.1: Member function FORM (CString x); help function on correct positioning of a DP (decimal point), coming in action on changing of content of a correspondingly edit windows; e.g. W, H or BMI result. (Extracted from imple-mentation part of the class CVLIPage3, BMI_3 project. See companion CD, in.)

1. void CVLIPage3::FORM (CString x)
2. 7{
3. double result1, result2, result3, result4;
4. if ( x == m_w && K != 1 && K != 2 && K != 3 )
5. {
result1 = atof(x) / pow(atof(m_h), 2); // BMI = W / h²
6. m_r.Format("%6.3f", result1);
7. }
8. else
9. {
10. if ( x == m_r && K == 2) // If one changes the content of BMI window,
11. // then EN_CHANGE
12. { // The corresponding window Weight will be
// new calculated; with h=constant (K=2).
// See Figure - page 86, and so on.

13. result1 = atof(x) * pow(atof(m_h), 2); // W=BMI • h²
14. m_w.Format("%6.3f", result1); // Displays in W window the weight of the patient.
15. }

m_r is a member variable representing the calculated BMI (BODY MASS INDEX)
value in Man
m_w is the member variable that represents the subject weight and
m_h is the member variable allocated to the height of the subject under test.

5.4 Calling of the member function: FORMING (CString x, int y)
This double argument member function is depending of two members
variables: x is a sensing parameter depending on any changing
(EN_CHANGE messages) in one of the edit-windows of the above
VLI-EXPSYS user interface. For instance the Re Edit-window is repre-
Sending through the member variable m_reynolds. The other argument y
shows the status of one of the already defined Radio Button (RB) –
or . If the (RB) - is set (down clicked), then kk = 1, see (A) below
and vice-versa, if the (RB) - is set, then, kk=2 (B), as follows:

void CPage1::OnRadioV( ) void CPage1::OnRadioW( )
{ kk=1; } { kk=2; }

void CPage1::OnChangeReynolds( )
FORMING( m_reynolds, kk);
UpdateData (FALSE);

Now, if the user has taken an action that may have altered an edit control, e.g., Re (m_reynolds), then an EN_CHANGE notification message is sent through the WM_COMMAND to the other member variables, also through the FORMING () member function, see (C).
In addition, if the user modifies the existent value in the edit control window Re, this new value is transmitting through (C) OnChangeReynolds ( ) member function to the member function FORMING (m_reynolds, kk). While, kk = 2 (Radio button is setting as constant), then in FORMING ( ), only the value of the member variables m_vstrom and m_kdm will be in turn changed as well (See, Listing 5.4.1 and appendix 1, rows 1-319, page 150-157, below).

Listing 5.4.1: A part of the member function FORMING(CString x, int y) as a help function on correct positioning of a DP and formatting a resulted floating-point number, versus the state of (RB - Radio Buttons) or . This listing is a clipping path (rows 21–34) in APPENDIX 1, page 145, from source code of VLI-EXPSYS, as member function FORMING(CString x, int y) showing the interactions between m_vstrom, m_kdm and m_dSpin1 (the branching angle αRB) versus changing of m_reynolds value. The interchanging function on this purpose is the said member function with two variables named FORMING (x, y). This is only possible, when the RB 2 or (y==2) is set; also is set. Another version is also possible, e.g. when even can be keeping constant.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
21) if (x == m_reynolds && y == 1 && (B == 2 || B ==1 || B == 3))
22) {
23) m_wges.Format("%10.9f", (atof(m_reynolds) * atof(m_edit_3)) /
24) (1000 * atof(m_kdm)));
25) }
26) if ( x == m_reynolds && y == 2 && (B == 2 || B == 1 || B == 3))
27) {
28) m_vstrom.Format("%10.9f", ((atof(m_reynolds) * atof(m_edit_3)) /
29) 1000) / atof(m_kdm) * atof(m_kqs) * 3600);
30) if (mmm == 0)
31) {
32) m_dSpin1.Format("%4.3f", (180/pi)*acos(atof(m_reynolds)*
33) atof(m_edit_3)/(atof(m_wges)* atof(m_kdm)*1000)));
34) }
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

In certain cases, one knows of (Oertel jr. 2002, [60]) that:
m_kdm = 18 mm (inner diameter of the trachea). It can take another value, too, e.g., the following ones:

m_kdm = 12 mm (inner diameter of the right main bronchial tube making a branching angle to trachea axis of αR = 20.364°, see please Fig. 4.2.1, page 120 in),

m_kdm = 9 mm (diameter of the left main bronchial tube, making a middle branching angle to trachea of αT = 56.6° degrees; see Fig. 5.1.1 and 5.1.3 below),
m_kdm = 2.4 mm (diameter of the bronchial branching tubes after 5 branching),
m_kdm = 0.75 mm (diameter of the bronchial branching tubes after still 11 other
branching, further.
m_kdm = 3 mm (typical diameter of aorta),
m_kdm = 1.5 mm (typical diameter of Aorta’s 1st branching)

5.5 Angle αA between Aorta symmetry axis and its 1st branch as well as αRB between right main Bronchus and Trachea symmetry axis.

m_dSpin1 embodies a member variable of CString class, assimilated to the downwards oriented angle, which is formed between symmetry axis of Aorta and its 1st branch. The values of αAorta|B=1 or αRBronchus|B=2 are calculating after the following same formula including the specific data for Aorta (B=1) or Bronchus (B=2): See the following figures: Fig., page 111 and Fig. 4.2.1, page 121.

m_dSpin1.Format("%4.3f", (180/pi)*acos(atof(m_reynolds)*
atof(m_edit_3|B=1 or 2) / (atof(m_wges)*atof(m_kdm)*1000)));
(Formula5.5.1) [Degrees]

in which,
π = 3.14159265358979310,
ReRB = 500.000436661361500 (Reynolds number of air in right main bronchus)
= 0.726355555554 [m/s]
= 0.680958928029719 [m/s],
dRBronchus = atof (m_kdm) = 12 [mm],
ν|B=2 = 16.343 [10-6 • m²/ s]
where from, ν|B=1 means, kinematical viscosity of blood at t=36 °C,
ν|B=2 means, kinematical viscosity of airflow on inspiration, at t=37°C
ν|B=3 means, kinematical viscosity appertains on industrial airflow, at t=25 °C
and αLB below, reveals the middle value of the partial angles α1, α2 and α3 of the left main
stem bronchus: (See please Figure in)

[Degrees] (See, Figure 4.2.1, page 121)

(See, Figure 4.2.1, p. 121)

where from, αT (Total) is resulting as being equal with 76.964 °[degrees], showing at the same time
as having that angle between the two bronchi belonging to the range:

[Degrees] (See please, Figure 4.2.1 too)

5.6. Implementation and Formulas for computing Reynolds number, diameter air tube d, crosscut and airflow velocity of a [X]-Branch tube along the right main stem bronchus in man for a one and the same averaged dichotomical branch angle.

This time the program is so expanded that it allows computing of Reynolds number, bronchioles diameter until to alveolar range of bronchial space and other geometrical parameter, naturally downwards oriented to the lungs.

According to Prof. Prof. E. h. Dr.-Eng. Oertel Herbert Jr., from the University of Karlsruhe and Prof. Dr. Dr.-Eng. E. h. Ludwig Prandtl from University of Gottingen, 2002, [59, 60, 61] the number of bronchioles on the bronchial-pulmonary system in Man, disposes over about 150,000 bronchioles.

I used the same procedure ‘EN_CHANGE’, as before, to implementation of a new sensing function namely; OnChangeBranchx () depicted as in the listing 5.6.1, below:

Listing 5.6.1: Implementation example for computing of [X]-Re, [X]-d, A, as well as the airflow volume and velocity within a certain [X]-branch.

void CPage1::OnChangeBranchx()
1. {
2. UpdateData(TRUE);
3. const unsigned long BUFF_SIZE_1=160000; // maximum 160,000 bronchioles and
4. const unsigned long BUFF_SIZE_2=160000; // allocation on the heap of 160,000 memory
5. double* test_1 = new double[BUFF_SIZE_1]; // cells in two buffers,
6. double* test_2 = new double[BUFF_SIZE_2]; // test_1 and test_2.
7. double max=0.0, dax=0.0;
8. unsigned int i=0;
9. VLI=cos(pi/180 * atof(m_dSpin1));
10. n= atoi (m_Branchx); m=n-1;
11. // n = Number of desired ramification: to be typing.
12. if (m >= 2 && (B == 2 || B==1))
13. {
14. m_ImgReynolds.Format("%10.9f", 1000 * atof(m_wges) *
15. 1/((double)(m))*atof(m_kdm) / atof(m_edit_3));
16. m_dOrgan.Format("%d %s", m+1, ". R-BRO-BRANCH");
17. test_1[0]=atof(m_ImgReynolds);
for (i=1; i<=m; i++)
18. {
19. test_1[i] = VLI * test_1[i-1];
20. }
21. max = test_1[m];
22. m_dXReynolds.Format("%10.9f", max); //=>
23. m_dXDiameter.Format("%7.6f", atof(m_kdm)/(m+1)); ↑(Formula 5.6.1)
24. m_kqs.Format("%16.15f", pi * pow(atof(m_dXDiameter) / 2000, 2));
25. test_2[0] = atof(m_wges);
26. for(i=1; i<=n; i++)
27. {
28. test_2[i]=VLI*test_2[i-1];
29. }
30. dax=test_2[n];
31. m_brspeed.Format("%16.15f", dax); // =>
32. m_vstrom.Format("%16.15f", atof(m_brspeed) * atof(m_kqs) * 3600); ↑(Formula 5.6.2)
33. delete [] test_1; // Exempting of the above allocated memory
34. delete [] test_2; // on the heap (see the upper Rows 6 & 7)
35. UpdateData(FALSE);
36. }

2007: Drawing up of my Dissertation / Format DIN A4 in English with the title: “Contributions upon Determination of the Flow Parameters on the Principal Bronchial Stems in Man” as well as its abstract “Contribuţii la determinarea parametrilor geometrici ai arborelui bronşic”; this time being written from official reasons in Romanian, only.

Weiterstadt, 19.11.2007

Vincentiu Lucian Ionescu Dr. Electronic Engineer


  • International thesis/dissertation in Biophysics
    conseguita presso Pontificia Università Lateranense nell'anno

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