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Continuing Formation in the Order of Capuchin Friars Minor

The Development of The Capuchin Teaching on Continuing Formation

From their origins in 1536, the Capuchin Constitutions considered the intellectual formation of the friars in its relation to the apostolate, and, above all, in its relation to preaching. Thus the question of studies was placed in Chapter 9 of the Constitutions, paralleling Francis' Later Rule which deals with the preaching of the friars. Moreover, in the editions printed between 1608 until 1925, the parts dedicated to this topic were considered before those dealing with preaching so that studies were seen as a preparation to preaching.

This method of handling things suggested, perhaps unsuspectingly, that intellectual formation was intended only for future priests. Nowhere in any edition of the Capuchin Constitutions was there a section devoted exclusively to the concept of Continuing Formation.
In preparation for a thorough revision of the Constitutions in keeping with the spirit of the Second Vatican Council, the legislative committee established for the Special General Chapter in 1968 [August 19 to October 25] issued a special questionnaire to all the Capuchin provinces asking whether the friars wanted to include the formation and education of young friars in Chapter 10 treating preaching, in Chapter 5 concerning work, or in Chapter 2.

The majority of the answers were in favor of including these topics in Chapter 2, but the commission decided to leave the sections on study in Chapter 9, because they considered study as a preparation for the apostolate, as it was regarded in the former Constitutions. In the General Chapter of 1968, most of the participants remarked that within the scheme of the Constitutions the apostolic, intellectual and technical formation of the lay brothers did not exist.

Many did not want to insert the subject of study in Chapter 9 of the Constitutions, but rather in Chapter 2. They argued that at that studies were not only a preparation for preaching and apostolate, but for one's whole life and activities. Furthermore, Chapter 2 treats of the preparation and the entering into our way of life, and, therefore, should consider the preparation for dealing with the elements of this world. The intellectual formation must also be available to all friars, not only to the future priests.

Finally, they thought it logical for the whole subject of formation to be discussed in the same part.4 The commission which was formed before the Special General Chapter of 1974, then, proposed moving the subject of special formation from Article I of Chapter 9 of the Constitutions to Article 5 of Chapter 25 in the Special General Chapter of 1974 [25 August to 30 September, although there were many practical difficulties which rendered the undertaking of sue h a task impossible, a proposal was formulated and approved to collect systematically all the material about the formation and put it in Chapter 2 of the Constitutions. It is important to recall that, even at this late date, there was no consideration given to dealing directly with the concept of Continuing Formation.

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Continuing Formation in the Order of Capuchin Friars Minor


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Jesmond Micallef
  Tipo: Tesi di Dottorato
Dottorato in Theology
Anno: 1998
Docente/Relatore: Fr Geroge Grima
Dipartimento: University of Malta
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 399


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