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Anti-Americanism in Egypt: the changing Face of America

KING-CRANE commission: the Balfour Declaration (1917) decided to create an Israeli state in the Palestinian area. The commission was sent to the region, but when they came back they said that the public opinion was not in accord with the Balfour Declaration. The problem was that the American administration didn’t take into account the results of the commission.

1944: ARAMCO (Arabian American Oil Company): when the U.S. discovered the oil in the region, it conceded a Californian company to extract it ➔ important role of the U.S. in Arab area.

1947: Truman Doctrine: it aimed at avoiding that the area could fall under Soviet power.

1955: BAGHDAD PACT: Iraq and Turkey (joined by Pakistan, U.S. and Iran): non intervention against each other. It was a way to avoid the Arab region to fall under Soviet influence.

1967, 1973: wars versus ISRAEL.

1979: Soviet Union invasion of Afghanistan: the U.S. decided to give money to Afghanistan extremist groups but after all these extremisms became violent against Western power and the U.S.

1979: Iranian revolution ➔ break down of the shah system ➔ ISLAMIC REPUBLIC.

1980: Carter Doctrine: a Monroe Doctrine for the Middle East: the U.S. would use military force to defend its national interests in the Gulf area.

1981: Cooperation Pact between Israel and the U.S. ➔ increasing opposition.

Step by step, things changed.

Tratto da COURSE NOTES OF "ISLAMIC CULTURE" di Luca Porcella
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