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The Decline of the Ottomans in Favor of Western Powers

At a certain moment they had to compromise. When they started losing the wars they had to grant privilege -> they granted protection of the minorities to the Russian area.

It happened that those who were the representatives of the trade between Russia and the Turks had to be protected -> they had to abolish certain taxes. Christians were the ones who traded. There was a huge change in the state because before there was a very different social structure

->A new class was born, the first that will start study history and politics as it is considered after the age of the Enlightenment -> New emergent elite.

This modern thought penetrated into Islam through the trade.
They had another possibility: to protect the Christian churches in Syria and in Lebanon. There were now schools where kids of the merchants could learn about western culture. So this elite came to know about the idea of the French revolution and they made them feel to want a kind of evolution.
-> They started sending children in Christian schools. The first revolution they could do: in Christian schools kids use to pray and Muslims started to translate these singings. In this way they changed their poetry and they began using other metaphors.

A new rhythm spread among the poor people too -> this is how MODERNITY penetrates in Islamic countries.

Tratto da COURSE NOTES OF "ISLAMIC CULTURE" di Luca Porcella
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