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The First Wave of Liberal Constitutionalism

Between the end of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX several constitutions emerged inside the Ottoman calihate: for instance, Tunisia (1861), Ottoman Empire (1876) and Egypt (1923). It was the period of the liberal constitutions.

Arjomand states that it’s called LIBERAL because it aimed at reshaping the administrative powers of the state. The main news is the introduction of instruments of accountability and responsibility (e.g. the political responsibility of a minister in front of the parliament) and to limit political power.

The main scholar was Khayr Al-Din AL-TUNISI (1822-1890), who had studied in Europe, and than started his work in Tunisia, and then he was called by the Sultan himself to implement the new Constitution even there.

Tratto da COURSE NOTES OF "ISLAMIC CULTURE" di Luca Porcella
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