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Muhammad, the Revelation and the Creation of the Umma

MUHAMMAD was the leader of a caravan and became known as a wise man. While he travelled he went in touch with many traditions (e.g. sleeping in monasteries he knew the culture of monks). At a certain point (around 612) he had a shock and started saying verses of the QUR’AN, that initially was transmitted by oral tradition.

Muhammad created the UMMA (“community”), that started to oppose the ruling class in Mecca, the QURAYSH clan. (that controlled also the economic life of the city). In fact Muhammad, with his revolution, attacked not only the religious affair but also the economic ones: he ordered to destroy all the temples and the statues on the road to Mecca; he wanted to abolish slavery, etc.

622: After his uncle’s death, Muhammad had to move to MEDINA, where was accepted as a wise man.

-> Policy: he established MEDINA CONSTITUTION: it was one of the first examples of constitution respecting different religions (WIMMA: non-Muslim religion community) -> the Islam was protecting other religions with army (after the payment of a tax). This meant that, concerning civil law, Christians and other religions could follow their own laws, while there was the Qu’ran holy law.

630: Muhammad and the Umma went back to Mecca.

632: Muhammad died.

Tratto da COURSE NOTES OF "ISLAMIC CULTURE" di Luca Porcella
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