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Sport Marketing in Elite Soccer Clubs

Salvatore Siviero

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Salvatore Siviero

The purpose of this study is to provide a case study for marketing in two elite soccer clubs: A.C.Milan(Italy) and F.C.Barcelona(Spain).
In southern Europe, soccer is the most attractive sport for media and corporate sponsors and according to specialist newspapers such as “La Gazzetta dello Sport” and “Marca”, millions of people nowadays take an active interest in it.
The phenomena soccer needs therefore an efficient marketing activity, and a well-structured organisation. (Paganetto 1999)
In other words: ‘To satisfy this market, and gain a competitive edge for their particular service, sports organisations need business-level strategies’. (Slack, 1997)
The clubs used as samples for this study are two of the most important soccer clubs in the European range with two different ways to undertake sport business.
Salvatore Siviero


    conseguito presso University of Northumbria nell'anno 2001
    con una votazione di 110 e lode
  • Diploma di maturità conseguito presso il Istituto tecnico
    con votazione 46/60°

Altri titoli di studio

  • Master Sport Management
    conseguito presso Northumbria Uni.(UK) nell'anno 2000

Lingue straniere

  • Inglese parlato e scritto: ottimo
  • Spagnolo parlato e scritto: ottimo
  • Francese parlato e scritto: buono

Conoscenze informatiche

  • Livello buono