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La questione energetica in Europa: fra spinte per l’integrazione e resistenze nazionali

Michele Menghini

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I have a master in “European affairs” at the University of Bologna and during my studies I’ve spent one in Brussels, at the “European Institute” of the Universitè Libre de Bruxelles. Thank to this academic background I have developed my knowledge on the economy, law and policy of the European Union. During my studies I was particularly concerned about the issue of Sustainable Production and Energy in Europe, and I have dedicated my final dissertation to the “European Energy Policy”.
I had the opportunity to put into practice my academic background during the stage I’ve done at the European Commission, in the DG Enterprise and Industry.
During the stage I’ve followed the activity of the Political Advisor on Corporate Social Responsibility. I’ve participated in meetings at different levels and I have collaborated in organisational, administrative, information, documentation and logistical tasks. To assist the CSR Team, amongst other things, I have contributed to the evaluation of the “call for proposal”, I have updated and edited the CSR webpages ,I have prepared the “CSR and SME” newsletter, I have prepared several reports which have been published in the newsletter( e.g interview, articles) and I have organized several meeting as the High Level meting of the European Alliance for CSR.
I have also got an important internship experience at the United Nations, in the International Atomic Energy Agency. Here I have assisted the daily work of the Italian Permanent Mission, following the activity of the Nuclear Policy Advisor, responding to various briefings and requests for information, and in attending meetings, taking notes, and in drafting reports.
Thanks to my experiences in different international environments (Belgium, Italy, Ireland, Austria), I’m able to use English, French and Italian languages to work.
Thanks also to different briefing during my working experience at Sony, I ‘ve improved my computer skills in the Office programs.


  • Laurea II ciclo (magistrale o specialistica) in Studi europei
    conseguita presso Università degli Studi di Bologna nell'anno 2006-07
    con una votazione di 106 su 110
  • Laurea in Scienze politiche e delle relazioni internazionali
    conseguita presso Università degli Studi di Bologna nell'anno 2002
    con una votazione di 110 su 110
  • Diploma di maturità conseguito presso il Liceo scientifico
    con votazione 100/100°

Esperienze lavorative

  • Dal 2008 lavora presso PostEurop-Associazione Operatori Postali Europei nel settore Trasporti
    Mansione: Project Manager

    Commento personale: gestione progetti per la riduzione delle emissioni di CO2 nel settore postale

  • Dal 2007 ha lavorato presso Commissione Europea, DG Impresa e Industria nel settore Enti Pubblici
    Mansione: Stagiare
  • Dal 2007 ha lavorato presso Sony Stlye Europe nel settore Forniture per uffici, attività commerciali e industriali
    Mansione: Gestione Commerciale
  • Dal 2006 ha lavorato presso Rappresentanza Italiana presso le Nazioni Unite-IAEA nel settore Enti Pubblici
    Mansione: Stagiare

Lingue straniere

  • Inglese parlato e scritto: ottimo
  • Spagnolo parlato e scritto: buono
  • Francese parlato e scritto: ottimo

Conoscenze informatiche

  • Livello ottimo