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MOOCs selezionati per te #2

17 aprile 2020

MOOCs selezionati per te #2 Di seguito un suggerimento di MOOCs gratuiti divisi per settore disciplinare per continuare la tua formazione durante il lockdown:

Architettura e design
Data science, visualization and interactive narratives for CCIs
Through four weeks lessons this MOOC will touch the topics of data-driven methods changing creative industries, data visualizations meant to obtain results and insights and Interactive Narratives basics to design and develop consistent scenarios for fashion brands.
Politecnico di Milano
Piattaforma: Polimi Open Knowledge

Masterpieces of World Literature
Embark on a global journey to explore the past, present, and future of World Literature.
Harvard University
Piattaforma: edX

Facoltà umanistiche
Photography Basics and Beyond: From Smartphone to DSLR Specialization
Create photographs you will be proud to share.. Build a solid foundation in digital photography, growing in knowledge from camera to composition.
University of Michigan
Piattaforma: Coursera

Analyzing Data with Python
In this course, you will learn how to analyze data in Python using multi-dimensional arrays in numpy, manipulate DataFrames in pandas, use SciPy library of mathematical routines, and perform machine learning using scikit-learn!
Piattaforma: edX

Calculus 1C: Coordinate Systems & Infinite Series
Master the calculus of curves and coordinate systems—approximate functions with polynomials and infinite series.
MIT – Massachussetts Institutr of Technology
Piattaforma: edX

Succession and family Islamic law with practical cases
The course deals with cases and issues related to the application of the EU Regulations 650/2012, 1103/2016 and 1104/2016 respectively on successions, matrimonial property regimes and property consequences of registered partnerships.
European Union’s Justice Programme
Piattaforma: EMMA

Mechanical Ventilation for COVID-19
This course will provide licensed medical professionals with an understanding of mechanical ventilation so they can support the critical care team caring for patients receiving mechanical ventilation during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Harvard University
Piattaforma: Coursera

Essential Career Skills for Investment Banking and Finance
Accelerate your financial fluency and fool-proof your career in Investment Banking and Finance.
New York Institute of Finance
Piattaforma: edX

Biohacking Your Brain's Health
With deteriorating health, particularly brain health, occurring at a global level, this course introduces you to methods for maximizing your brain's fitness through nutrition, exercise, meditation, and sleep.
Emory University
Piattaforma: Coursera

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MOOCs selezionati per te #1