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Fall From Grace - Uno studio sul Satana miltoniano

''Dehumanization'' of the rebels. The hive mind

The rebel angels mock Abdiel following Satan’s example, but in doing so, they reveal a terrible reality: they have forsaken their own mind, their own existence, in order to follow the mad plans of a leader that, if skilled in enforcing his ideas, doesn’t put his wit to good use.

He said, and as the sound of waters deep
Hoarce murmur echo’d to his words applause
Through the infinite Host, nor less for that
The flaming Seraph fearless, though alone
Encompass’d round with foes, thus answerd bold.
(vv.872-876, Book V)

The murmur slithering among the rebels reminds of water, which is often associated with life.
Abdiel is “flaming”, both because of his indignation, and because of his angelic powers.
Ideally, here we have a “switch”: the fallen angels almost seem to stand to reason, identified with the soothing sound of water. On the other hand, Abdiel, the only pure among the unworthy, is burning with rage, something that will be the defining feature of Satan later on. This seems to point that, even at this point, God would be willing to forgive the rebels, who are still beautiful and majestic. The line is crossed when Abdiel pronounces his anathema and leaves the field. In fact, at the end of the book, Abdiel turns his back on Satan, meaning that, finally, the Fiend has been forsaken. While the pure angel leaves, he must endure the mockeries of his former brethrens. But he doesn’t reply, because in his celestial heart, he already knows that all of them are already doomed, and there would be no point in retorting. So, along with Abdiel, hope for the rebels leaves as well. His presence before Satan is more important than what Milton explicitly reveals.

Proverbs 4:27 - Do not swerve to the right or to the left; turn your foot away from evil.

This is what Abdiel does, following his Lord’s eternal will.

Corinthians 15:33 - Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”

And this is what the host of rebels do, choosing to believe Satan’s lies and empty promises. The Fiend’s reason to wage war on the heavens really sounds futile, especially when coupled with the fact there’s no way he’s ever going to win the desperate war. Even more desperate seem to be his followers, that willingly decide to waste their perfect, eternal life. Satan truly creates something like a hive mind, where he thinks, and others execute. But, as I said, hope is not lost, until Abdiel leaves. There’s a drop of good in all evil, and all nefarious actions can be turned to noble ends, if one is able to spot the spark of light in the darkness. Abdiel is the spark of light. Had the rebels listened to him, they would have been saved, and just maybe, Satan would have been saved too, without an army to lead. But the final act of mercy is rejected with mocks in the final, fatal hour. The lost lamb goes back to the pen, but it is the only one to do so.

John 1:5 -The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

The events involving Abdiel here represent the only moment where all good is lost, and from now on, the rebels are judged unworthy and, ultimately, cast into the abyss. Even Satan can never be truly evil, because he is still capable of positive emotions, for example, when he sees the heavenly fields of Eden. In God’s plans, Satan’s evil actions are “doomed” to create a new sapling of good, regardless of the Fiend’s will. But here, with Abdiel, there is no good left, and the rebels throw themselves against all they have ever loved, hoping for an impossible fight. But, as stated before, it is perfectly in line with Satan’s character to never give up. Errare humanum est, perseverare autem diabolicum; but the Enemy, in carrying on his proposals no matter the cost, seems human.

At the start of Book VI, we are told of a cave where day and night alternate their presence in the skies of heaven. This, along with God’s throne and the hill where it is located, is the only spatial referent we can find in the realm of angels. But even here, space and time aren’t meant to be what we are accustomed to. It is important to notice how this mortal dimension is lingering or present only when Satan is around; and so, the Fiend can leave God’s seat, by moving away; Abdiel can leave the rebel encampment, and of course, the battle in heaven needs space in order to happen. The angelic, abstract definition of space is threatened by the physical one, brought by Satan like a plague.

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Fall From Grace - Uno studio sul Satana miltoniano


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Matteo Sanesi
  Tipo: Laurea I ciclo (triennale)
  Anno: 2015-16
  Università: Università degli Studi di Pisa
  Facoltà: Lingue e Letterature Straniere
  Corso: Lingue e letterature straniere
  Relatore: Roberta Ferrari
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 57


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