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Translating Accent and Colloquial Language of a Literary Character: Hagrid in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Rubeus Hagrid: the character and his role in the saga

Throughout the story Rubeus Hagrid, simply called by his surname, Hagrid, is one of the most important characters of the Harry Potter saga: not only does he act as the guardian angel of the protagonist, Harry, but he is also one of his best friends. He is a half-giant, as his father was a human and his mother a giantess (Rowling, 2001: 366), and that is the reason why he is twice the height of a human being and five times larger (Rowling, 1997: 16). In the first book Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Rowling, 1997), where Hagrid first appears in the story telling Harry the truth about his parents and the world of Magic, J.K. Rowling describes this odd character as a shabby individual: his face is covered with a thick beard and black shaggy hair from which, however, his dark eyes, gleaming like beetles, can clearly be seen (1997: 39). In spite of his threatening physical appearance, he is a kind-hearted, loyal and trustworthy person. He grew fond of Harry since the first time he held that little boy in his arms to bring him to his uncle and aunt's house, as after the murder of Harry's parents by Lord Voldemort they were his only living relatives. As one of Harry's best friends, Hagrid helps him not only to solve the intricate plot that Voldemort plans each year in order to raise again, but also the complicated story of Harry's own life. Actually, Hagrid's revelations to Harry appear to be quite involuntary, as this clumsy character ingenuously tends to let several pieces of information leak out while talking with Harry and his best friends Ron and Hermione. What follows is an example:

"I'm telling yeh, yer wrong!" said Hagrid hotly. "I don't know why Harry's broom acted like that, but Snape wouldn' try an' kill a student! Now, listen to me, all three of yeh – yer meddlin' in things that don' concern yeh. It's dangerous. You forget that dog, an' you forget what it's guardin', that's between Professor Dumbledore an' Nicolas Flamel –"
"Aha!" said Harry. "So there's someone called Nicolas Flamel involved, is there?"
Hagrid looked furious with himself. (Rowling, 1997: 141-142)

As it is revealed in the second book of the saga, when Hagrid was a student at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry like Harry, he was unfairly expelled during the third year, as he was accused of being responsible for a terrible crime committed by another student, Tom Riddle, alias Lord Voldemort. Thanks to the wise headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore, Hagrid continued living within the Hogwarts grounds in a small wooden hut with his dog, Fang, as the Keeper of Keys and Grounds of the school. Later, in the third book of the saga, he will also be Harry's Care of Magical Creatures professor, thanks to his well-known passion for animals, especially for magical creatures (Rowling, 1999).

In addition, Hagrid will demonstrate his bravery in the following books, particularly in the fifth one, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Rowling, 2003), when he joins the Order of the Phoenix to help Dumbledore and his supporters oppose Voldemort's dark forces.

In conclusion, that of Hagrid is a very funny character, especially because of the contrast between his threatening physical appearance and his clumsy attitude, and between his rough manners and his strong sensitivity. However, villains must not underestimate him because he can be a very tough opponent in battle.

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Translating Accent and Colloquial Language of a Literary Character: Hagrid in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Giulia Visentin
  Tipo: Laurea I ciclo (triennale)
  Anno: 2012-13
  Università: Università degli Studi Ca' Foscari di Venezia
  Facoltà: Lingue e Letterature Straniere
  Corso: Lingue e civiltà moderne e contemporanee
  Relatore: Francesca Coccetta
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 73


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