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Business Plan for an Autonomous Driving Formula car in the FSG17 competition

Firenze Race Cyber Defense

The Cars are much more in inter-connected from each other through Network, and it became vulnerable to cyber-attacks. The risks of system violation by hacker and cyber-criminal are actual and tested: Tesla and the Jeep Cherokee cases tested the vulnerable of our cars and the vulnerability to not only altering the functional technology but also to take the control of the car at a distance. In addition, more each vehicle is set of technologic electrical components, more are the opportunities of penetration in the systems, that could be advantageous by malicious people.

Considering that the technologic evolution of vehicles, that seems like a PC on tires, today the security of vehicle and driver both physical and in terms of privacy, is heavily dependent from the Cyber Defense.

The matter moving “from who” we defense these are physical-hacking and remote-hacking.
We must ensure our customers the security to not be steer and not private of their privacy, both with our FR-17DT and with plug-n-play packages, that will be for civil use. We will have to defense them from those who want to attack physically and for theft or tampering. The possible scenarios that are opened with the interconnectivity vehicle-to-vehicle will be minor crimes, car thefts, invasion of privacy, compromising driving.

The last attacks show that one person can localize the vehicle through the net, impart orders instead of drivers and take finally the vehicle control. Today, vehicles are becoming essential the access to the net for cars, for example:
- Telematics & cellular devices is possible to take advantages from the vulnerability of mobile apps, provided by Automotive House. In this case, called “man-in-the-middle”, the striker interposes himself between the car and the app. Who attack is in positions closer of car and interrupt the communication between the app and vehicle, to subtract access password.
The aim is to obtain information about vehicle, like his position, control the vehicle.
- Bluetooth
- V2X
- Wi-Fi
- Supply Chain
- Infotainment

Additionally, it is possible to hack the black box (dongle) installed from insurances on vehicles, compromising the internal modem and to steal the data transmitted.

Also, the Transponder, an electronic antitheft component, that is present on the key of cars, it could be vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

At a less level, but in the same time more dangerous, there is the attack to key-less car, that allow the open and the ignition of car, without the physical key. In general, the malicious have available a system with them, that communicates with the car’s control units, from close. In this case, the cyber-thief can reprogram the key at a distance blocking the access to the legitimate owner, so realize the theft in a second moment. First, is necessary project vehicle keeping in mind safety. We must be considering that the car is like the computer network, for this reason is important to create safety net.

We have implemented in our FR-17DT a total separation of the different level, like the Boeing plane. Given the importance of the issue, our company has decided to make all the financial and intellectual efforts in order to be able to provide a safe and reliable solution for its users, thus relying on more security solutions. The adopted system is called Total Separation, as it exists in the aircraft, ie the separation between in-vehicle and out-vehicle systems, that is the separation of systems.

In our FR-17DT we have installed the system to interconnect vehicles each other and to interconnect the vehicle to the net in order to upload directly the results and performances. Indeed, the driver can upload his result and the car performance directly to his PC and in a second moment control the data and the telemetries. The cars will be provided by systems and software to insurance the car from physical or remote attack, to prevent the theft or tampering by malicious.

We have expected to insert in our plug-n-play packages the systems that insurance the mobility of civil vehicle. The interconnectivity is useful thanks to the communication V2V and V2L (Vehicle-to-vehicle or infrastructure): it brings advantages in terms of emissions, efficiency cars, reduce crash, traffic, logistics and comfortable voyages. It has advantages also for the truck traffic, as you can see in Truck Platooning. Yet the vehicles are more interconnected, and more there are problems for the security and privacy both for private people and for commercial companies.

In order to reduce all the risks for our customers we have planned to intervene not with a single product, but with a project and with a coordinate system among house-automotive companies, like ours, institutions and Cyber Defense Company, and cyber’s producer defense systems. In the autonomous car is necessary an Assessment Cyber Security System, where the companies have confidence among them, and the customers will be sure about what they are going to buy. The problem regarding not only the risk of car’s control by other people, but also the privacy of our customers.

For this reason, we have organized our Cyber Defense and company with one team “that does” joined a team “that control”, to separate the competence role between software’s producers and makers and the security systems. Indeed, we will aim to collaboration with a close international cooperation between Firenze Race Company and the most important company that works on Cyber Defense: the Argus Cyber Security Company.

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Business Plan for an Autonomous Driving Formula car in the FSG17 competition


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Giulia Flori
  Tipo: Laurea I ciclo (triennale)
  Anno: 2018-19
  Università: Università degli Studi di Firenze
  Facoltà: Scuola di Economia e Management
  Corso: Economia e Commercio
  Relatore: Elena Gori
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 105


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