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The square, symbol of a shared city

Actions to be taken to "rediscover" the piazza

The large piazza of Faenza (total extensionis about 170 m) is actually made up of two squares, the “Piazza della Libertà” and “Piazza del Popolo”, which have a united and harmonious aspect with their elegant loggias where the Duomo, the “Fontana” (fountain) and “Torre dell’Orologio” (clock tower) stand out.
Towards the end of the 19th century the “Pieve di S. Pietro Apostolo”, the city’s primitive cathedral, was built whilst the “Palazzo del Podestà” (begun in 1177) and the “Capitano del Popolo” buildings were built in the first half of 1200, one facing the other. It was however with the rise of the Manfredi family (1313) that the layout of the two squares began, which led to its current configuration. In fact, the “Palazzo del Popolo” became the “Palazzo della Signoria” and in 1400 was partially modified in renaissance styles with the addition of a two-row portico, later to become the module for the creation of all the loggias of the piazza.
The Manfredi family then started the construction of the new Cathedral on the same site as the existing church, beginning in 1474 and designed by Florentine architect Giuliano da Maiano.
The current aspect of the long piazza was defined in 1600, divided into two sectors by the decumanus: the Fontana was built in the northern part, which is dominated by the Duomo, whilst the “Loggia of the Orefici” was built opposite the Cathedral. Closing off the area to the south is the “Torre dell’Orologio”, and the Palazzo del Podestà was also completed with a loggia.
Over the following century the porticoes were also added to the wings to the side of the ex Palazzo della Signoria (which became the “Palazzo del “Governo”), undergoing a significant reconstruction.
The loggias are therefore the undisputed protagonists of this piazza in Faenza and what first catches the eye of the visitors, as described also in the lines of the poet Dino Campana (1960), who as a youngster studied in Faenza: “The piazza has a scenic character in its loggias with white arches, which are both light and powerful”.
The piazza in Faenza is a typical Italian traditional porticoed piazza, the piazza that is the heart of the city. It currently plays its traditional function of “aggregation” or bringing people together only during the market days (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays), when it is filled with stalls and is the meeting place for the surrounding farmers. When the market stalls are taken down the scene that remains is desolate, with only a few solitaire cyclists pedalling across it.
The same happens on a Saturday afternoon in autumn, winter or spring.
Here the piazza is transformed into a giant walkway filled with the local young people who, dressed following the latest fashion trends, go shopping in the elegant boutiques. Outside of these set times the piazza only comes alive during the sporadic sports or musical events (such as the historical flag waving competition at the beginning of June). These are also occasions for bringing people together, but not for the full sharing of the piazza.
For a few years now in the summer the local Senegalese community has organised an evening of African music and dancing. African girls who normally wear western clothes now put on their colourful traditional costume and do tribal dances in the middle of the square to the frenetic rhythm of the drums. The event brings out the vitality and togetherness of the community, although it is not supported by a significant participation by part of the residents. Once again the piazza is the stage for a “separate” aggregation.

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The square, symbol of a shared city


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Federica Zama
  Tipo: Laurea I ciclo (triennale)
  Anno: 2008-09
  Università: University of the Arts London
  Facoltà: Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design
  Relatore: Nasser Golzari
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 25


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