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Analysis and Calibration of a Mirror Setup producing Mirror-reflected, Multi-view Videos

Treatment and evaluation of facial paralysis

Treatment and evaluation of facial palsy requires techniques and tools that are especially dedicated for the purpose. Today, there are a lot of tools that can be used to treat the facial paralysis. Those instruments are usually used in combination with some methods with trying to grade the progress of facial palsy. The scale used to characterize the degree of facial paralysis is the House-Brackmann described in House and Brackmann, 1985. In this scale, grade I is assigned to normal function, while grade VI represents complete paralysis.
In the later section, we will describe the most important tools, as well as some of the most important and typically used method for automatic evaluation of the palsy. At the end of this section we will give a description of the SMILE system proposed by Frey et al., 1999. This system is currently used at the Vienna Medical University, so we will also give a description about the usage of this system.

Imaging systems for 3D
The term "three-dimensional (3D) imaging" has referred to techniques which calculate 3D volumetric pixels (or voxels) from 2D data acquired from a measured target. As it is stated in Tzou et al., 2014 and in Lane and Harrell, 2017 there are two different type of optical systems used for imaging process of measuring and analyzing surfaces (x, y and z coordinates), one uses structured light and another uses stereo photogrammetry.
Structured-light technology uses one projector and a calibrated camera. The camera captures an image of the object overlaid by a projected pattern. With the knowledge about the design and geometry of a projected pattern and perception of the deformation by the 3D surface of the object, it is possible to estimate the 3D surface of the object and generate a 3D surface image.
There are three different strategies for stereo photogrammetry:
Active stereo photogrammetry is based on structured light. It projects a pattern onto the surface of an object and uses two or more cameras to capture the deformation of the pattern. A 3D surface image is generated by a process called triangulation, calculating the 3D coordinate of each 2D point (pixel) visible in both camera views. The projected pattern simplifies the finding of correspondences. 

Passive stereo photogrammetry determines 3D surface images only based on the images taken by two or more cameras without the projection of a pattern. Due to the missing, projected pattern, the process of finding correspondences between views/images is more difficult and ambiguous, usually surface details are used in this case.
Hybrid stereo photogrammetry combines both active and passive methods in order to achieve higher accuracy and quality in 3D surface imaging.

There are many 3D surface-imaging technologies that are often used in multiple medical applications, some of those technologies are described below, for a detailed analysis please refer to Tzou et al., 2014.

3dMD is a dynamic 4D system (3D plus time) introduced in 2004. This technology exploits hybrid stereo photogrammetry using both projected random patterns and texture of the skin (pores, freckles, etc.) to stereo triangulate and generate a 3D surface image. The software algorithms is used both for 3D reconstruction and calibration. System calibration takes up to several minutes depending on the hardware set-up. The system is made by two or three high frame rate machine vision cameras, with a PC-controller workstation.

Axisthree is focused on 3D simulation using clinical data to do physics-based tissue-behavior simulation on models. In 2006, Axisthree created a technology called color-coded triangulation together with Siemens where the colored pattern simplifies the finding of correspondences. Axisthree uses the principal of structured light to create 3D surface images. System calibration takes less than 5 min, and it is necessary only when the hardware has been moved. The system is made by three or four high frame rate machine vision cameras, with a PC-controller workstation and a projector.

Canfield exploits the principle of passive stereo photogrammetry, where the texture of the skin is used to determine the geometry and generate a 3D surface image. Canfield supplies four hardware options. Depending on the chosen hardware setup, the system can be used to capture: 100◦ of frontal faces-face, neck and décolletage-face, breast and body. There is also a portable, customized and versatile version of this system for 3D acquisition. The provided software is used to perform tissue simulations, or can be used to simulate multiple surgical and non-surgical facial procedures, also provides automatic breast measurements and simulates breast augmentation outcomes. The system uses dedicated hardware for the purpose.

Crisalix is the first web based 3D simulator for plastic surgery and aesthetic procedures. Unlike the other companies, Crisalix does not offer any hardware. The program creates 3D surface images from three 2D images taken with a consumer camera, physical distance measurements of the patient’s anatomy and a set of landmarks. Crisalix offers two products. 3D MAMMO simulator is used for planning and biomechanical simulations of breast implants and skin elasticity while 3D FACE simulator is used for surgical and non-surgical facial procedures. The user needs a pc/laptop and a standard consumer camera (digital camera, webcam, smartphone, etc.)

Di3D is a 4D system, which captures 3D video sequences of dynamically changing surfaces. Di3D’s technology exploits passive stereo photogrammetry. System calibration takes about 5 min. They offer custom capture systems with up to 32 cameras, while the basic system is made by four cameras.
The above described systems are cost intensive, and are usually made by a projector and at least two cameras, so those system usually need a lot of space and request some synchronization requirements. The synchronization between the cameras is needed because of the tracking operation. This means that you cannot have any of the previously described systems at home. In this thesis we refer to a simpler system described by Frey et al., 1999 which proposes to use a system of two mirrors to simulate stereoscopic vision, this system will be described in detail in the later paragraphs.

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Analysis and Calibration of a Mirror Setup producing Mirror-reflected, Multi-view Videos


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Gianluigi Mucciolo
  Tipo: Laurea II ciclo (magistrale o specialistica)
  Anno: 2015-16
  Università: Università degli Studi di Salerno
  Facoltà: Ingegneria
  Corso: Informatica
  Relatore: Mario Vento
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 120


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