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The Future of Tourism between Online Booking and Sharing Economy

The topic of Sharing Economy is definitely a present-day topic. Many interests are colliding, but the main duel is between business and social dimension; these two can be considered the two macro-values that bring all others consequently. All along the research, a part from the analysis of the technical aspects, the central topic has been to understand which will be the impact on society for the entering of this new phenomenon.
Is it possible to follow this model of subverted economy? And are we sure it will bring tangible results? Answering to these questions is not easy and we do not have the presumption of having given an irrefutable result; but at least we have analysed the impact of the phenomenon in the important sector of tourism. One of the most relevant aspects is a social confirmation that arises from the survey we have given to graduate students: the ones who know what sharing economy are for the most willing to try its services out. It is thus evident the advantages that it is concerned with.
The small part of people who knows what sharing economy is but do not have used it yet, may be convinced by the suggestions we have proposed in Chapter 3 for increasing the sense of trust in sharing platforms.
Resuming first the application of rules to regulate the sector, like the creation of an official register of guests and the creation of a minimum hygienic requirement standard.
Secondly, Airbnb in particular, being the greatest representative of the category, shall pay attention to avoid the dilution of its brand; in particular, it should remain focused on its business target and banish the temptation to widen its offer including also hotels and B&B. The risk is that of being perceived like an OTA, consequently losing its peculiarities.


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Mostra/Nascondi contenuto.
4 Introduction Sharing is caring. This is the leitmotiv that leads sharing economy. Nowadays society has long been criticizing the consumerist model to which we have been dependent from the 50’s economic boom, without proposing a real alternative. The B-plan now is ready and is gaining more and more importance. Use without possession it’s possible, and find its nest in collaborative consumption. It is about micro-businesses run by privates that want to share a part of their existing assets instead of wasting them. It is not a model that involves only economic aspects but also a social variable: faith through people is necessary to host them or to share a car pool and is motivated by the wish to live the authentic experience of the meeting. Amongst the strength points of sharing economy, there is first its adaptability to different targets and various exigencies. Everyone can be protagonist; everyone can run a small business and stop wasting unused goods and services. The most common mean used to get into a sharing deal is nowadays through online platforms: in Italy there are more than 130 active web platforms and even though in this research the focus would be on the touristic sector and its agents, we want to notify that around 30% web platforms are about crowdfunding, 20% about goods, 10% about tourism and 9% about jobs. The most known are Airbnb, Uber, Gnammo and Bla Bla car. These web communities are considered secure; users are made to have a public profile, with vital statistics and reviews from other users. Nevertheless, websites are the only grants in this model of business; this is why sharing economy has long been considered a niche market business: only people with a certain attitude may be users of these services. Technology wears a great role in this business model. Everything about sharing economy is held thanks to the communication power of Internet. The contact with unknown people, which is easy and immediate, would otherwise be impossible. Another strength point of this business model is the fact that firms are operating with no need for physical possession of goods, but just need to run web-platforms and the relative community. Goods and services are not offered by the firm but by the same people that take part into the community. People are the real asset, the process of “community building” creates a new way of doing business, the key to success in this regards is to be able to put together people with the same problems or interests and lead them through a union that creates advantages for all and opportunities. Finally sharing economy is also rising thanks to its general economic and experiential convenience. People love these platforms because they offer


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Chiara Cenci
  Tipo: Laurea II ciclo (magistrale o specialistica)
  Anno: 2015-16
  Università: Università degli Studi di Parma
  Facoltà: Economia
  Corso: Scienze dell'economia
  Relatore: Francesca Negri
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 59


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