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Participle in English and Russian

This work was conceived as the study of the non- finite forms of the verb such as participle I and II in the English language.
The aim of this research work is to present the study of English participle and its constructions and their equivalents into Russian. The hypothesis is that there are certain specific peculiarities in rendering of this form of the verb from English into Russian and from Russian into English. In order to achieve the purpose of the research paper, the following objectives have been set up:
- to study participial constructions in Modern English Language;
- to search out the ways of translation of participle and its constructions from English into Russian;
- to make a practical study of participle and its constructions from the novel “Forsyte Saga” by John Galsworthy.
The topic we have chosen presents certain theoretical difficulties, which are still a matter of dispute among grammarians.
As participle is of great extend in the English language it is important to learn more about its functions and usage. The problem concerning participle was investigated by many famous scholars such as M.A.Ganshina, E.M. Gordon, O. Jespersen and many others who did not come to the same conclusions concerning the non- finite forms of the verb.
The outcome of this research is the analysis of participle on the etic level.
In order to understand better how to use the participle and its constructions treated in this diploma thesis, we have focused on the specific cases taken from the novel “Forsyte Saga” by John Galsworthy.
In order to undertake this research, the following methods were used:
- observation;
- linguistic description;
- textual comparing;
- analytical method.
As to the structure of the diploma paper, it should be mentioned that it consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusion, bibliography and appendix.
Chapter I is dedicated to the review of abstracts written about Participle I and Participle II, where their functions, structure and ability in modern English language are explained. Chapter I also contains the section of diachronic background which, according to the name, is about the historical review in order to prove the common usage of participle since the earlier times, to fix the role it played in old English language, in middle English language and in new English language and also the changes that took place during the centuries.
Chapter II is dedicated to the review of the usage and translation of participles in modern English language in order to show in more details the functions they play in modern English that proves the actuality of the theme. The participles are analyzed from different points of view: stylistic, semantic, syntactical and, certainly, from the point of view of translation.
The conclusion summarizes the theoretical information and also the results we have obtained after the practical study.
The bibliography list contains 52 reference books. The diploma thesis also contains Table I, Table II and Table III.
This work might be of interest to those studying English grammar and theory of translation and teaching these aspects to the Russian-speaking students.


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Introduction English Grammar is the most important aspect of the English language, that is why it has been thoroughly studied by many grammarians from different countries. They contributed greatly to the research of this aspect paying attention to the verb and its morphological categories. This work was conceived as the study of the non- finite forms of the verb such as participle I and II in the English language. The aim of this research work is to present the study of English participle and its constructions and their equivalents into Russian. The hypothesis is that there are certain specific peculiarities in rendering of this form of the verb from English into Russian and from Russian into English. In order to achieve the purpose of the research paper, the following objectives have been set up: - to study participial constructions in Modern English Language; - to search out the ways of translation of participle and its constructions from English into Russian; - to make a practical study of participle and its constructions from the novel “Forsyte Saga” by John Galsworthy. The topic we have chosen presents certain theoretical difficulties, which are still a matter of dispute among grammarians. As participle is of great extend in the English language it is important to learn more about its functions and usage. The problem concerning participle was investigated by many famous scholars such as M.A.Ganshina, E.M. Gordon, O. Jespersen and many others who did not come to the same conclusions concerning the non- finite forms of the verb. The outcome of this research is the analysis of participle on the etic level. In order to understand better how to use the participle and its constructions treated in this diploma thesis, we have focused on the specific cases taken from the novel “Forsyte Saga” by John Galsworthy. In order to undertake this research, the following methods were used: - observation; 3


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Ilona Şşoimu
  Tipo: International thesis/dissertation
  Anno: -
  Università: Universitatea de Stat din Moldova
  Facoltà: Limbă şi Literatură
  Corso: Limba şi literatura modernaă
  Num. pagine: 72


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