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Analisi del film "English Vinglish"

It’s a product of the Indian society. The actress died, so everything become more significant.
When there is communication there are 2 participants, we use language when we produce text (not necessarily oral). I am somehow also unconsciously, influenced by the context and I can be positive influenced or negative influenced. I can agree or disagree.

The text is the final project, so it’s produced in an Indian context.

Firstly, we collect information, we gather information, we sort our thoughts, we need to have a project, we have to allow everyone to understand and follow.
The project will be in the text, that’s the final project.
Every step is significant, the process is relevant and from our linguistic point of view is more important.
When we analyze the text, we analyze it with references to the process.
We have some themes that are related to the Indian society, before and after. There is an opposition between the mom and the daughter who speaks English fluently.
How did the English society influence the movie?

Discourse employ the process, the text is the result of some choices, so we focused on the choices that the author makes.
If it were shot, produced in another country, Western, we have the same opposition.

The movie is showing the Indian society.
Shashi reacts visually and it’s a critical approach.
Even though it was produced in the Indian culture, it’s criticizing the Indian culture, the wealthy culture, the husband is always in the office, the kids are going to an important expensive school. This critical attitude is performed through the eyes of the main character.
It’s a fictional text, the process of construction is even more complex. When you construct fictional text, you have to construct a story. We see everything through the eyes of the main character.
One of the first levels is a lexical level, we have also images, sounds, music, but they are all lexical.
We understand immediately that we’re in India because language it’s Hindi, so it has an important role, but we are not sure because people can live also in the UK.
We need an interaction with people outside the house, language it’s not enough, the author is not showing what’s outside, no geographical landscape.
Landscape is another level of language; it tells us something about culture.
In this movie the author is not showing anything, we are placed within the house and we are influenced by the language they use.
We start watching the movie and we know nothing.
It’s addressed to the Indian audience, so it could be a neutral choice, we know that we are in India after a while, so it doesn’t matter if she is cooking ladoos.
They speak Hindi but not consistently, they speak English and it is mixed. Everyone speaks Hindi, grandmother never speaks English, we don’t know if she understands English, sometimes she seems to follow, so she seems to understand; this is a choice of the author, if for an Indian person sees an old woman that doesn’t speak English, this is meaningful.
They speak English in the family, we have a normal family life, interaction and participants; family has access to education and money…
They use Hindi, but they sometimes use English, but it’s a choice because they don’t need it.
If there were another participant who doesn’t speak English would be necessary, they are all Hindi speakers, only 3 people use English.
When they shift to English there is a closer image on the characters, when they speak English, they are pushed to focus to an eye contact, which excludes mother.
English is related to prestigious; Shashi wants to share this to other people.
The young girl seems to be annoyed when they speak Hindi.
The culture tells to think that English is somehow better than Hindi; the only subject mentioned is English.
English is a higher status. They never speak Hindi for formal topics. Hindi can be used to discuss business, but it’s not used for it, but only for informal things.
The choice is keeping Hindi stuck in one place.
Important talks are always in English, “since you never speak English to me, our topics are not important”. Everyday topics are in Hindi. English is better than Hindi.
Hindi and the role in the USA: it is a language for the community, a sign for the community, in another place you need it.
There is nothing explicitly said.
When we get to the USA, we see the landscape, so we all know what’s outside, images of people, gardens, anything… landscapes are talking, and they are placing us in another culture.
There is a variation of people.
Opposition between America and India: opposition between 2 societies. Shashi is not scared when she got in the USA, she is surprised, happily surprised, she enjoys things, she never enjoys Indian life so fully, she is never so happy.

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